Wednesday, March 12, 2008

News Herald Letters

Thanks to the author's of the following letters:

Movie Rated PG-13

Think For Yourself

Where Does It End?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if people made an effort to truly educate themselves about the facts and were also brave enough to think for themselves?

Also, thanks to the authors of Praises For Jeff Link for pointing out what a great job Jeff Link has done as AP/AD at EBHS. He is a hard-working, caring professional who doesn't get enough recognition for the tremendous job he does.


Anonymous said...

The letter "Think for Yourself" says a mouthful about what's going on in this book banning circus. Kudos to John Zimmerman for a well-written argument, specifically with regard to the fact that if someone has not read the book, their opinion really counts for NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed! I HAVE read the book and Tracy Norman's description of the book was grossly exaggerated....I hope she does not use such exaggeration in her other duties as a board member

Anonymous said...

I heard yesterday that Jeff Link will be saying good-bye to Burke County. He decided to take a job away from the reaches of our talented, personnel-minded school board. What a shame that the kids at EBHS will no longer have his leadership to appreciate. But they can look to our new board majority as an example of excellence-in-action! NOT!