Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Post

I am greatly concerned by the events of the past few weeks. As many of you who know me know, two members of the Burke County Public Schools Board of Education are trying to ban The Kite Runner without following proper challenge procedures. Also, it is quite obvious that the members have neither truly read nor thought about this book. They see it as dangerous and morally corrupting. It is neither. I am encouraging any and all people to let these board members know that you are disgusted by their closeminded efforts to deny our children a proper education.

School board members' addresses can be found at

Also, check out to learn more about the atrocities being enforced upon Burke County's children, parents, teachers, and communities.


Glen said...

Congratulations on your blog! I will check back often. I have also added a link to you.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the educated views on real issues that are facing our children. Our educational system needs to be run by educators. The school board should not be involved in the day-to-day operations of our schools. I shudder to think of what will occur next at the SB meeting. When I think it can't get any more absurd they come up with something even crazier.

Kylie said...

Good luck in your fight with the school board! I hope to see that The Kite Runner returns to their reading list soon!

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of one-sided nonsense. This is not about a book, it's about a witch hunt directed toward a board member that had the nerve to stand up to the previous board who did nothing for the children of Burke county.

Anonymous said...

For me, it isn't about a witch hunt. It's about having qualified people making decisions. That certain school board member wants to get people stirred up. It seems to be the only excitment in her life... well, that and going to her kid's court dates.

Also, why can't the blogger be one-sided? This is the NEWS HERALD; the blog doesn't have to be impartial. Oh wait a minute, THE NEWS HERALD isn't impartial either.