Monday, February 25, 2008

Bad Influences

For those of you who are worried that our children might be harmed by reading, think about this quote from former NY mayor James Walker:

"I never knew a girl who was ruined by a book."

With all the issues our teens are facing (drug abuse, pregnancy, physical abuse, etc.), why are some people upset that our children are actually reading? When a teacher finds a resource that makes students excited about learning, why would you want to take that away?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that some school board members did not know their "Anti-Hollywood Movies and Anti-Rap Media Policy did not include books.

Don't forget how the Snows and the Dobsons and the Daniels fueled that policy debacle. They "cleaned up" the media dirt alright. Now, rather than go through the hassle of checking to see if a film or song is approved or can be approved, some teachers now just say "forget it".

How many teachers are going to introduce anything new and relevant given the reaction by the board of The Kite Runner.

I do not think the superintendent should have pulled The Kite Runner from the reading list. I understand his reaction considering the people on the board. But the challenge process (meaning the school site committee) and any subsequent appeals should dictate whether or not the book stays - no one else.